EE1 Test of perlite processing products & Suitability criteria

The types and characteristics of all perlite processing products produced by the partner company will be recorded and their physicochemical properties will be studied. The results will be evaluated comparatively, in order to establish criteria for their use in restoration materials.

EE2 Laboratory preparation and control of grouts with perlite processing products

Appropriate laboratory mixtures of building mortars and coatings with a high content of perlite processing products will be designed and prepared. Their tiny, physical mechanical and thermal characteristics, as well as their durability over time and in artificial aging conditions will be tested. From all the compositions, the best ones will be selected, in which modifications are likely to be made.

EE3 Laboratory preparation and control of grouts with perlite processing products

Suitable grout mixtures with a high content of perlite processing products will be designed and prepared. The characteristics of the grouts in a fluid and hardened state will be checked. From all the compositions, the best ones will be selected, in which modifications may be made to enhance their specific properties.

EE4 Industrial production of finished restoration materials with perlite processing products

The best compositions per material category (building mortar, coating, grout) will be produced on an industrial scale by the company. PERLIT will install a modern material production unit, with stages of processing, packaging and disposal of ready-made intervention materials with perlite processing products. The produced products will be in ready-mixed form, ie ready for application by the user, by mixing them with an appropriate amount of water. The products will be accompanied by technical brochures and certificates.

EE5 Trail application of finished restoration materials with perlite processing products

The produced products will be piloted in a specific historic building. The ease of their implementation, as well as their effectiveness, will be checked through on-site measurements before the implementation and after the completion of the project.


EE6 Feasibility study of finished restoration materials with perlite processing products

A techno-economic study of the produced products will be carried out, specifically a feasibility study and a Life Cycle Analysis, in order to determine the benefits that result from their production and use at a technical, economic and environmental level.

EE7 Participation in Exhibitions, dissemination of produced knowledge and promotion of new products

The company will participate with stand and information material in 3 trade fairs for the promotion of the final products (Domotec, Infacoma, Bau).

EE8 Dissemination of produced knowledge and promotion of new products

The strategy of diffusion of knowledge and promotion of the objects of the project will be implemented. There will be 2 workshops (Athens, Thessaloniki) and 3 info-days (Volos, Athens, Thessaloniki). At least 6 scientific papers will be published, while the project logo and website will be developed, as well as information material in printed and electronic form.