
  • Domestic perlite processing products are utilized, the management of which creates a significant environmental burden. During the industrial processing of perlite, a percentage of products of the order of 10% is obtained, which today cannot be utilized and is deposited in the environment.
  • The need to mine natural pozzolan is significantly reduced, as the products of perlite processing can effectively replace pozzolan in monument restoration materials.
  • Innovative, domestic materials with a high ecological profile are developed, avoiding the use of imported materials designed with different criteria and raw materials of unknown composition.


  • Development of domestic ready mixed materials (building mortar, coatings, grout), low cost and environmental footprint that will meet the principles of compatibility and performance.
  • Economic utilization of stocks of products currently deposited in the environment.
  • Improving the competitiveness of the PERLIT operator with the development of two new productive sectors in the company, in relation to the utilization of perlite products and the production/marketing of ready-made monument restoration materials.
  • Creation of new jobs for scientific and technical staff in the collaborating bodies.


  • Development of innovative know-how for the utilization of perlite processing products in Greece.
  • Improvement of restoration projects, due to the ease of use of the proposed and certified ready mixed products, while simultaneously reducing the time and cost of their application.
  • Eligibility criteria for the utilization of industrial perlite processing products in structural applications are being formulated.
  • Achieving direct collaboration of companies and research center with long-term benefits for all.